
Oturo Osa

Gearing Students Up For The Future

2016 Pro basketball VS 1990’s

When the NBA had 18 teams and 12 players per team the competition was much better. Now we have a league with 30 teams with 15 players. Players that would never get off the bench in the 90’s are stars in today’s NBA. Larry bird, Micheal Jordan, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing, Reggie Miller, Magic Johnson would have crushed today’s NBA players. The series wouldn’t last 5 games.

Let’s compare. Would the Atlanta Hawks Jeff Teagues be a starting point guard in the 90’s. could he play with Isaiah Thomas? could he play with Joe Dumars? Gary Peyton would lock him down. Could any point guard in today’s league guard Reggie Miller. Name one he wouldn’t drop 50 on? Not to mention Jordan.

Student athletes this is why you see 25 point point blow outs. I doesn’t make sense. The coaches today have 6 assistant coaches. Yet in the press conference they say we are still deciding how to guard him. PLEASE! Knock it off. Even Lebron James disappear at the end of games. How many times have we seen that. He seeks the best talent to play with. He name himself the king. think over that. In my generation you was given your nick name  you didn’t select it yourself. Dr J was coined the doctor. Ervin was coined magic. Gary Peyton was coined the glove. The didn’t name themselves.

We all love Steph Curry but would use his game to teach 12 year old in a basketball camp? or would you chose Steve Nash? even better John Stockton. These are the template for a point guard training camp. Yes I’m leaving out magic but only because he’s 6 foot 9. These are solid point guards. the moment a kid take a 50 footer he would be on the bench so fast his parents would be complaining.

Charles Barkley makes a great point. shouldn’t Kevin Love average 15 rebounds a game no matter how bad he shoots. Shouldn’t any point guard average 10 assist no matter how bad they shoot the ball?

We have a camp in June. Tiny Archibald from the Bronx will be one of the mentors/trainers instructors. Come kids, he lead the league in scoring and assist for a season. Go google how many players have done that. Stay tune for the summer camps All sports Mentoring will partner with this summer.


How All Sports Mentoring Works

Most parents have jobs, sometimes more than one. Most families have more than one child involved in sports. However, there are not enough hours in the. Many families use Nannies. Do you really want the nanny going to the games of your 14 year old who is serious about competition. Nannies are great don’t get me wrong but nannies are not mentors and most of them no very little about sports.

We connect your kids to the foundation they need to succeed. we step in when mom or dad can’t be two places at the same time. Our affiliations with NBA players and teams benefits us and your child. It’s part of our MENTORING process. Whatever the problem is or concern , we step in. We provide meas, snacks, transportation. coaches have noticed a significant improvement in students that participate in All Sports Mentoring. Coming soon is our new web site.

Every weekend we are at the games in your city watching over the kids. Giving you more time, spare time and most of all peace of mind. Let’s say your kid is traveling to an away game but your concerned about the lack of attention or supervision they will receive when their not playing sports. We step in. let’s say you have a wedding or a family event to attend but your 16 year old has a game and if they win they go to the finals. Should you have to chose. Of course not! Contact us we are here to build a human ladder around your boy or girl.

So moms and dad’s Happy Mother’s Day. Every participant is different. We can not treat a 7 year old like a 14 year old. This is a exclusive service for your family. you have someone to walk the dog, you have a nanny, it’s time to have All sports mentoring for your most valued possession, your child.


All Sports Mentoring

All sports mentoring is a new mentoring program that targets moms and dads that don’t have enough time to attend their kids games. We create human ladder for parents so they can have a night for themselves or just a helping hand. One of our most precious possessions is our children. All sports mentoring is time well spent.

What we offer is pick up to and from games. We offer mentoring, tutoring, and early juvenile prevention. ASK about MOMS IN STUDENT SPORTS ( M.I.S.S.). Moms can volunteer there time in exchange for support from other moms filling in when they can’t. So one mom can contribute lunch after games. Another mom can volunteer for pick up and drop offs after games.

Baseball, basketball, soccer, Cheer leaders whatever sport your child select you will have a support system in ALL Sports Mentoring. Harlem Little League is a great organization that’s been around for over 20 years. If your kid is serious about sports than All Sports Mentoring is a click away.

Coming soon All Sports Mentoring!!!





Queens Chamber of commerce now partners with Oturo Osa

Today Oturo Osa student to student mentoring club, gearing students up for the future is now the proud partner of the chamber of commerce. This gives us another platform that will give our students job opportunities off campus. We will offer student internships as early as May. Our site should be up and running so take advantage of this great opportunity NOW! We will offer jobs to those who show the most participation during club meeting, i.e. attendance etc.

We have a proven system in place that will help you succeed. We have established business that will take our very best and give them a chance. Oturo Osa is the place to come for training and resume building. Our guest will include members of the Brooklyn Nets. The NY Knicks, the NBA and many many more. Don’t wait join now! One of our primary tools will be technology, writing, photography, engineering, athletes, marketing, science, beauty whatever your skills or major is COME!

We will partner with other clubs to not only support them but to offer them the same opportunities we are offering our club members. Mentoring is a huge part of what we do. Plan your work and work your plan. Many hands make the work go light.Guys this will be big very soon. Graduation is almost here. Some of you will need references and need a REAL chance out there. LIFE IS ABOUT WHO YOU KNOW! This is true I am not reinventing the wheel.

I want to invite all of you to our June 6th celebration for both of our basketball teams. We will have a ribbon cutting with special guest etc. Going forward all of our meetings will have food. YES I am going to feed you. Students are always hungry and sleepy. Just eat and learn and go to sleep on your own time. NOT MINE! See you after spring break…


Technology Mentor a Winning Team

Qualifications: must be a current student through Dec. 2016. have completed 21 credits and have a GPA of 3.0. Must demonstrate proof of technology skill either through an advance level eportfolio or demonstrate knowledge of windows operating systems and MS office. mentors will provide assistance in the use of various technology tools for research, web development, document production, eportfolio development.

Mentors will assist computer users, both students and faculty, in application of instructional technology.  one of the other useful qualifications is to have a willingness to learn a variety of software. It also is a plus to have good communication skills and good listening skills.having a desire to help others learn. you must be available between the hours of 9:00 to 5:00 June 22, & 23rd. Training sessions continue every Tue and Thurs on June 28th through August 11th 2016.

This is a great opportunity to take technology to a new level on campus. This will benefit all of our students as well as the staff. So become a student Technology Mentor today if you meet any of the qualifications that are listed in this blog. You can apply it to a internship. You can develop interpersonal skills. learn new technology skills. one thing is for sure we everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Oturo osa is offering student to student mentoring for all students on campus if need. Our goal is to create business opportunities for all students in our club and on campus. If you have any skills and everyone has some kind of skills please contact me.We will be updating our site very soon and will be making post on all of the social media outlets very soon. Stay tunes and good luck. Look forward to seeing you. come by M115 and ask for Mr.Rogers or Iris, Roma or Marc. We got you!

What Team Is Better 96 Bulls Or 2016 Warriors

So let’s begin. Scottie Pippen says the Warriors wouldn’t win one game. I actually agree. The Bulls of 96 had Dennis Rodman he would hold Steph to less than 20 points per game. Jordan is the best player he is you game; he will hold Steph to 20 points or less also. Jordan would take over the game when things appear equal. Scottie can also guard any of the Warriors best players as well.

My real reason for writing this article is to make younger players understand these two things. One, team balling beats individual play 100 percent of the time. Two, all you’ve really seen is Steph and although I love the brother let’s not get it twisted Jordan is still the man.Things to consider. In Jordan’s day you could hand check a player but today you can’t. So for the sake of argument let’s say they play using today’s rules. Jordan team would still win.

Coaching, Phil Jackson obviously a better coach than Kerr but i give Kerr lot’s of credit for keeping the young guys focused. What he has done is unbelievable. Jackson still gets the edge. I have to say Dennis would create such a problem for players like Green and Thompson. He would set the bar so high no one on the warriors would be able to match his rebounding skills or hustle. Jordan would close out this series in 6 games. I give it 6 games due to the fact I can see Steph having a break out game but that’s it. just one game. The Bulls will have a answer for him. It doesn’t natter how many screens they set

Right now the NBA playoff are about to begin. generations 0f fans will always love Steph we all do. MIKE is still the man. His hang time and killer instincts alone gives them the edge. Lastly, just so you know Scottie would be the second best player on the court.

Cyberspace, Black and White.

As a black man born in America I’ve never experienced privacy. Facial recognition technology for me was a birth right.  Since my childhood years in the 1960s, upon seeing a police officer I felt unsafe, not protected. In a recent New York Times article by Timothy Williams, Eric Hanson a retired firefighter in San Diego shared a similar experience with the overreach of police and his privacy. “Why are they doing this to me?” the article quotes, “They made me feel like a criminal”.  No, my brother, they made you feel like a black man.  Using facial recognition software the police sat him on a curb and “took his picture”.  It made me think, would Eric Gardner pose for that picture, would Abner Louima pose? Would Emmet Till?  In a speech given by Al Sharpton at LaGuardia’s Black Lives Matter Summit, he began by stating “48 years ago, MLK was assassinated, and we are still in many ways in the same place today.”  The loss of privacy for a black man was never on the table; for once technology is leveling the playing field.

 On the other hand Technology giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Google are taking a different spin on their loss of privacy.  “They blew it” Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook states when referring to the Government spying on his clients without their knowledge or cooperation.  The Washington Post reports that the NSA was taping into data centers, the beating heart of tech companies.  In the same article, David Drummond Chief Legal Officer for Google is quoted, “We are outraged at the lengths the Government seems to have gone!” If I were serving as council to Google and Facebook my personal lack of privacy would be my opening argument to prove the Governments breech of their privacy.  Being betrayed by the government is an all too familiar feeling for me. Where do I fit in that delicate balance?  Has the rise of technology changed the meaning of privacy for all of us? I believe it has.  It is impossible for us to have the luxury of a smartphone without giving up our privacy.  Are we as a society willing to bargain with the Government to regulate the technology boom?  It is the double edged sword of progress.  As we progress they will regulate. 

 As a college student pursuing a New Media Technology degree, I recently learned that ARPANET was the earliest network initially created by the Government that eventually became what we now call the Internet.   As technology develops in speed and efficiency we will lose more privacy that is the price we ALL pay now.  Can the laws regulating the Internet be fair?  How do you capture air? Congress, lawmakers and lobbyist for the Government whomever you would like to blame or credit for this technology, I am still in the same place I have always been, screwed! Furthermore, this year’s Presidential election proves that America is divided on all issues of privacy.  Hillary Clinton is still to deliver her emails.  Here’s is a suggestion, why don’t we let Donald Trump build a wall around the privacy of the internet, and let the Mexican’s pay for it.  The government has collected our personal data yes their spying on us; but is this really crossing the line. How can anyone trust the Government to regulate the internet and protect our privacy?  If you think it can be done fairly I have one word for you WATERGATE! America impeached the president in the hope of keeping privacy private. I say we judge them by their track record.

 We all have strong opinions about privacy and let’s not get started on our children’s opinions; who know nothing but the Internet. I say, “Everyman for himself; you watch your kids and I’ll watch mine.” Regulations on the internet are becoming so personal. I have a 3 year old that puts toys in the virtual shopping cart while playing on his tablet until technology asked for payment.  “Grandpa I can’t go any further I need your help” No Julian, you need a credit card. The only part of technology that he learned that day was e-Commerce.  I never trusted the government, so where the privacy argument is  going, I DON’T KNOW!  Feeling betrayed by the Government is a black man’s reality. You do you…boo!

Cuny: Student To Student Mentoring & Internships

LaGuardia Community College have several clubs and one of those clubs have a GREAT NEW business opportunity for students on campus. Otura Osa is the clubs name. We are creating internships for students. We also offer student to student mentoring for a fee. What that does is this, it allows student to mentor other student all over the world. It can be done by simply using Skype.

Our internship model is designed to bring in business to LaGuardia to offer students job opportunities that can not only give you credit towards your grades but it will put money in your pocket. WHAT STUDENT DON’T NEED MORE MONEY? Listen up guys we first collaborate among ourselves. I’m asking all club presidents to come aboard. many hands make the work go light. Our first collaboration is with  ASL ( they hear with their eyes and talk with their hands ). We will travel together and network our resources for better job opportunities.

Oturo Osa will be putting up videos of our guest speakers and business professional offering students job opportunities. So guys follow us. On May 4th we have Jeff Scott of the Brooklyn Nets coming in to offer business opportunities and idea’s for Oturo Osa Club. We have business

In closing, if you are looking for a better business opportunity stop by campus life and ask for club Oturo Osa I assure you there’s lots of money so your welcome to it. HOW TO BECOME A RICH! is what we offer.



How to create a Basket Ball video

One of the greatest games of all time due to the fact it can be played by yourself and with others. The slam dunk contest or 3 point contest is one of the most entertaining events to participate in. Basketball is played all over the world. It’s a huge business off the court i.e. sneakers, snacks, cars, etc.

One of the best ways to create a video would be to use a cell phone to record a video of yourself shooting free throws. Showing form and technique. Explaining that the basket is 15 feet away from the free throw line. Another great video would be to explain and show people or of ages and sizes can play this game.

Players bog all the time and so so can you.


By Kevin Rogers











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