Qualifications: must be a current student through Dec. 2016. have completed 21 credits and have a GPA of 3.0. Must demonstrate proof of technology skill either through an advance level eportfolio or demonstrate knowledge of windows operating systems and MS office. mentors will provide assistance in the use of various technology tools for research, web development, document production, eportfolio development.

Mentors will assist computer users, both students and faculty, in application of instructional technology.  one of the other useful qualifications is to have a willingness to learn a variety of software. It also is a plus to have good communication skills and good listening skills.having a desire to help others learn. you must be available between the hours of 9:00 to 5:00 June 22, & 23rd. Training sessions continue every Tue and Thurs on June 28th through August 11th 2016.

This is a great opportunity to take technology to a new level on campus. This will benefit all of our students as well as the staff. So become a student Technology Mentor today if you meet any of the qualifications that are listed in this blog. You can apply it to a internship. You can develop interpersonal skills. learn new technology skills. one thing is for sure we everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Oturo osa is offering student to student mentoring for all students on campus if need. Our goal is to create business opportunities for all students in our club and on campus. If you have any skills and everyone has some kind of skills please contact me.We will be updating our site very soon and will be making post on all of the social media outlets very soon. Stay tunes and good luck. Look forward to seeing you. come by M115 and ask for Mr.Rogers or Iris, Roma or Marc. We got you!