So let’s begin. Scottie Pippen says the Warriors wouldn’t win one game. I actually agree. The Bulls of 96 had Dennis Rodman he would hold Steph to less than 20 points per game. Jordan is the best player he is you game; he will hold Steph to 20 points or less also. Jordan would take over the game when things appear equal. Scottie can also guard any of the Warriors best players as well.

My real reason for writing this article is to make younger players understand these two things. One, team balling beats individual play 100 percent of the time. Two, all you’ve really seen is Steph and although I love the brother let’s not get it twisted Jordan is still the man.Things to consider. In Jordan’s day you could hand check a player but today you can’t. So for the sake of argument let’s say they play using today’s rules. Jordan team would still win.

Coaching, Phil Jackson obviously a better coach than Kerr but i give Kerr lot’s of credit for keeping the young guys focused. What he has done is unbelievable. Jackson still gets the edge. I have to say Dennis would create such a problem for players like Green and Thompson. He would set the bar so high no one on the warriors would be able to match his rebounding skills or hustle. Jordan would close out this series in 6 games. I give it 6 games due to the fact I can see Steph having a break out game but that’s it. just one game. The Bulls will have a answer for him. It doesn’t natter how many screens they set

Right now the NBA playoff are about to begin. generations 0f fans will always love Steph we all do. MIKE is still the man. His hang time and killer instincts alone gives them the edge. Lastly, just so you know Scottie would be the second best player on the court.